I had the opportunity to visit my Jessi and family in SLC/Ogden area. Thanks to Craig & Ariana we had a wedding too. There are lots of photo's here, but I missed lots and lots of photo opportunities because I got so busy visiting I forgot I had my camera.

Doesn't Jessi look wonderful? She picked me up on Thursday night then Friday we started our adventure. WE went shopping of course. Just as we came out of a store- look who was coming in. My brother David and David & Kim & baby Logan. They were killing time before heading to the airport. How often do you meet your brother from California when you are visiting in UT?

Friday evening we went to the Bountiful Temple and then up to Ogden for the family dinner.

I love my family, and you will just have to imagine how wonderful and precious they are- in other words- fun time, no photos. Saturday morning we drove to Ogden (twice) to go to the sealing of Craig and Ariana. She is beautiful. He is handsome. My photos do not do the occasion justice.

Notice the pepper plants and kale in the landscaping. These are some candid snapshots. Mom, Barbara and Trevor- See the cute GP grand kids playing in the back-ground.

It was so fun to have Landon here. He got permission to end his mission in SLC so he could participate in the festivities. Dave, Teresa, Lexie, Landon, David & Kim Price

I met Brett's wife Tammy and Chad's wife Kelly for the first time. This is Brett and Tammy. Please don't be offended if I didn't get your photo - I intended to.

Jessi, Glen, Cody, Keri, David & Kim. Babies are Scott's Maddox and Logan

By the way, Cody is engaged. He left after this to go take engagement photo's. His sweetheart says it's ok to be fuzzy for the photo's. We'll see if he really keeps the beard.

My little sis Lynnette and Chelsey. :) above, below JB, Erin Jessi & James

This is one of my favorite moments. Scott and Dad holding Mom's hand as they left the temple heading for the parking lot.

In the afternoon we went to the "stump" artesian well for Jessi and James to fill up their drinking water jugs. It tastes so much better than city water. No reception photo's either. See Erin's blog for some great photo's. We had a wonderful Sunday. Went to church and helped in the nursery with Jessi. Then drove to Doug & Barbara's for dinner. So yummy. Sorry, no photo. Monday Jessi & I puttered around SLC. We went to the Joseph Smith movie, the museum, shopping, lunch and wound up at the SL Library. James found us there. This is from the roof ramp looking up to the University of Utah.

And then, we had dinner, went to the craft stores and to the airport - where serindippity I sat next to a family in our ward who were returning to Eagle from N.Carolina and another couple from our ward - I must not be a good blogger, I didn't take photo's again.

And Gil met me at the airport so another good trip was completed. Thanks Jessi & James & family = I love you.