We celebrated Aspen's birthday by meeting up at Bogus for Friday night skiing, dinner, presents and cupcakes. Aspen was really excited and her cousins & Sister Emma couldn't wait to celebrate!

This is our littlest skier. Zoe just turned two and couldn't wait to go out with her dad. Too bad I didn't have the camera when we were out on the slopes. This will just have to represent our smiles and joy being out in the fresh air. I got to take a run with Gil, Tyler and Carter. I can keep up with the 4 year olds! It was glorious...And half the family went up again the next day for more.

And what lodge experience would be complete with out licking the dregs of chocolate powder out of the can? Christy and Stella finished the last drop of powder by licking their fingers and wiping the can clean. Want some?