Before Christmas I mentioned that I really wanted new family "cousin" photo's. It had been 5 years and Sierra is 2 and not in any photos. Our sweet family made it happen. McCalvy's came up from Cedar City UT. Kristen made sure her girls could come up and Tucker made sure he could come. We picked Sunday afternoon December 27. Gil and I had gone driving to see if there was a spot with Bogus in the background but the weather didn't cooperate. It was socked in with hoar frost everywhere. We went to Eagle Island State Park by the equestrian barns instead. What a cool place. What great photos.
Simpson Home
"There's no place like home"
Saturday, February 20, 2021
Chilcoot Lake Trip
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
This quote has had a profound effect on me. When my brother Glen was in the hospital getting his heart fixed, Nancy couldn't be with him because of covid restrictions. I was puttering in our little garden and thinking about how our mom loved to work in the morning outside while it was cool and then I thought of Glen being alone and Nancy worrying about him. Then I realized that Glen isn't alone. Mom and Dad are very aware of his situation and I'm sure mom was right there beside him while he was there. It was a very comforting thought.
"Ask for Angels to HELP"
J. R . Holland
"Can you imagine the effort it took these angels who pushed from the rear of handcarts. . . If angels can manage that, they can certainly help you and me over our present Rocky Ridges. we know the Lord gets His work done with the help of His angels. So could you use a little more help in your life? If so, keep your covenants with more exactness than ever before. and then ask for Angels to help you with what ever you need. Or ask for them to be dispached to help those you love." Wendy Watson Nelson, 2015 BYU womens conference.
Art by Clark Kelly Price
“How firm our foundation? The foundation of this Church was forged long
before the world was. It is strong. It is true.
It is eternal. The foundation of one’s individual faith, if anchored
firmly to eternal truth, allows each of us to reach upward with an eternal
perspective. That faith will give hope
when there is no hope. It will give us
joy here and eternal life hereafter.” Russell
M. Nelson Apr. 2002 GenConf.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
May 3, 2020 I had a very special experience yesterday. I belong to a facebook group called Worldwide Unified. It evolved from the world wide fast when people of many faiths and countries joined in the fast and shared experiences. It didn't end with the fast on Good Friday. People kept requesting prayers for many reasons. Covid 10, Cancer, Auto accidents, suicide, faith. They also put in their faith expeieriences and miracles. I have tried to increase my prayers of faith, so when I would read one asking for prayers, I would stop and say a prayer right then. But by the end of many little prayers I kind of felt like I was bothering God with one more request. were my prayers rote? I really wanted to pray in faith but by the end of the day, I was skipping the details and saying a prayer in general. Was that fulfilling the request for prayers. Yesterday morning (May 2) I read a plea from a woman who is trying to turn her life around and wanted to make an appointment with her bishop and her husband was skeptical. As I read this, I was filled with so much love for this woman. I realized that this was what I was missing. Love for the people I was praying for and Heavenly Father, Jesus love us with that incredible love. It was so sweet to feel that love. I felt that love for each post I read. Gave a prayer of thanks and love. Fast forward to this morning - my brother Glen is in the hospital (heart attack) Nancy took him in early this morning because he was having trouble breathing. Yesterdays miracle for me, gave me so much love for my brother. tears of love. I am so grateful. The following is an example of the tender posts.
Nick Barratt to Worldwide Unified
Friday, April 17, 2020