Monday, November 10, 2008

The blessing of WHOLENESS

I have been thinking about this post for some time. I even mentioned this in an e-mail to my family because it made such an impact on me. Part 1: On October 9, when I was recovering from the abdominal surgery I woke up with a feeling of "wholeness" It was as though as I moved and stretched my mind knew that my body no longer contained the "evil, nasty cancer" I felt whole. That's the only way I can describe it. I savor the moment and hope to continue to have that sweet feeling of completeness again. Part Two: The oncologist wanted me to have a second CT scan to more completely look over the lungs and other organs for any "masses" that may lurk in the dark. It was a "we don't think there are any other cancers, but just to be sure, lets do this Scan." So I did. (Even when you think everything is fine, it's easy to get into a worried, what if - what if - negative mind set. I really didn't have to fight that battle of the mind.) On October 30th when I went in for the port surgery, the Dr. told me that the scan showed NO DISTAL ABNORMALITIES. Which means no little things growing in the dark. I am very relieved and grateful.

Isn't it wonderful that Heavenly Father doesn't need the technology of science to give us the diagnosis for us? He doesn't have to wait for tests. He knows. He let me know. I can trust Him. I am so grateful for that comfort and peace. Even if there were more to worry over, He would be there and help me through it. I am thankful for His love, His peace, His comfort. I am grateful.


Sarah said...

That was a beautiful post.

James and Jessi McCalvy said...

I miss you. I love you. I'm grateful you.

David and Kimberly said...

glad to read your beautiful posting & glad to hear the news :)