Wednesday, May 19, 2010

May Flowers

We had a day warm enough to swim. So the kids helped turn the sand pile into a pool. At the time it was only 71 degrees, so Gil put warm water from the house into the water so it would be a true "Hot Tub" The swim-suit drawer got it's first workout of the season- Blooming pretty kids
Our sand pile grew Hallie, Carter and McKayla flowers. Potted in sand, picking was pretty easy.
Our neighbors have this gorgeous blooming tree. Kim was off for a run to the library and took everyone along.

This bouquet of flowers was hiding from me- can you imagine where? Up they popped - just like the first crocus' blooms of spring. Tyler, Christy, Stella, Aspen, Zoe


TGS said...

That is a great tree. We have nothing as amazing as that is here! ;(

James and Jessi McCalvy said...

Love the little signs in your 'hot' tub. And your hidden bouquet of flower!