Sunday, November 13, 2011

Thankful day 13

We are thankful for our 5-6 year old Primary class. They keep us smiling. This work of art was given to us by Josh Payne who is moving next week. I love the blue sky and flowers and rainbow that Gil and I are surrounded with.


We thank thee for our daily bread;
For faith by which the soul is fed;
For burdens given us to bear;
For hope that lifts the hearts dispair.

We thank thee, Lord, for eyes to see
The truth that makes and keeps men free;
For faults - and for the strength to mend them.
For dreams - and for the courage to defend them.

We have so much to thankThee for.
Dear Lord; we beg but one boon more
Peace in the hearts of all men living.
Peace in teh whole world this Thanksgiving.

-Joseph Auslander
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