Monday, November 4, 2019

Time to get back in the habit

It's been so long since I've posted (journaled) that I've forgotten how this site works. Gil and I retired July 1,2019 and in the process of moving stuff from office to home, and trying to find a home for the stuff, I re-read some of the entries that I posted and realized that even though most of the time I feel like not much changes - a lot of changes have happened and my thoughts and feelings haven't kept up. Also this year changing to Come Follow Me, opportunities are given to ponder and write down feelings, and I really haven't been consistent in doing that either.  Last excuse - I haven't taken a lot of photo's either so it's time to get back into the habit. 

Monday November 4, 2019
Last night Gil's brother Norm called to schedule a brother's retreat for 2020.  Now that there are just the 3 brothers Norm, Gil and Gordon still living - it's important that we make the effort to keep the bonds strong.  We are so blessed to have them and how rarely do we tell them we love them and of course I adore my sisters in law, Marlynn and Gaylynne. We put July 4 plus several days on the calendar.
Gil and I are kind of recluses so we are grateful that Norm took the imitative.  3 cheers!

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