Wednesday when Kim went to her Dr. appointment, the Dr told her that she was sooooo ready to have the baby. She could schedule it and have the baby at a reasonable time or she could be miserable and wait for the baby to initiate labor. Put that way, no brainer, schedule the hospital -Thursday at 7:00 am. So McKayla, Carter and Bree came over Wednesday night to start the sleep-over at Oma and Opa's.

However, things didn't go as planned and the hospital called
Thursday morning to say "No room in the hospital- call us later" Then "No room, we'll call you." then "Sorry, you'll be first on the list tomorrow" So instead of picking up McKayla from school and going to see her new sister, Kim and Deven picked her up and brought her back to our house for another night of anticipation. Fortunatly
Friday went as scheduled and yup- baby Ellie was born. She is beautiful, fantastic skin and georgeous. Friday, McK had a program at her school, so while Bree took a nap (Gil was home) Carter and I went to the program and watched the first graders sing about lunch, recess and the bus with great gusto. We took McK from school early and picked up Bree to go to the hospital. Carter and McKayla remember what we did when Bree was born so I had a list of things they needed to do -
buy balloons and toys for the new baby. On our way into the hospital (with helium balloons in tow) we passed a gentleman coming out. He had a name tag on, so he might have been an employee. Carter turned to him

and asked "where is my momma at?" With out missing a step, the man replied" In that great big building" I am so thankful for little ones and the cute things they say.
Saturday morning McK's and Emma's soccer game was rained (thunder and lightening) out. I am thankful for that because I wasn't looking forward to standing in the rain for an hour. But I would have. The afternoon turned into a beautiful day.
When we have some grandchildren over, we always want more. Hurray! Emma and Aspen came over. Even thought the ground didn't need more water, Gil turned the water into the ditch so the kids could float boats and play. That's Aspen on the swing, Carter Emma & McK playing in the water and Bree giving me the green tomatoes she picked. She likes to pick the green ones. Red or Green she always tries to bite into them, and then gives them to us -gooshy.
Sunday we actually made it to church before the meeting started. We thought we were late. In the evening we went to Jed's for Hannah's 9th birthday celebration. Then Deven took his family all home and we didn't have 3 smiling kids to make sure we were awake and getting up at 7:30 am. So much to be thankful for. It was a wonderful weekend.